I ask this very pertinent question via the blog post, because, what I know (and I'm only the business owner), is that LinkedIn is apparently actively hiring new staff for my company! Sylvia is the new manager for !nnovabiz Pty Ltd in the Rotterdam Area, Netherlands.
I could ask the same question for Robert Adams, CEO of Greater Nashville Area; Harshal Bhati, Engineer of Nagpur, India; Bbb Bhhh, Jiioo (huh?) Greece (oh, maybe it's LinkedIn's rendition of the Greek alphabet); Brian Distler, Boss of Houston, Texas; Harlyn Espanol, Sales Clerk in Philippines; Anas Idlibi, IT Manager in United Arab Emirates; Aljohn Lagne, No (huh?) in Philippines; Ryan M, mmm (doh???) Kitchener, Canada Area; Darshan Mody, Marketing, Australia; Nader Mostafa, No (another one??), Egypt; Bharat Pal, Dr, New Delhi Area, India; Justin Pfa, Huj (huh?), York, Pennsylvania; and Priya Rajesh, Research, India.
All claim on their LinkedIn profiles to be employees of Innovabiz Pty Ltd and hold current positions with my company.
Well, since LinkedIn apparently is descending into the realms of a "Mickey Mouse" networking organisation and hiding behind privacy protection of scammers, I will have to take things into my own hands!
To all the people named above - you have 24 hours to submit to me your full annual report for the year 2010, complete with Profit and Loss statement, showing how you add value to !nnovabiz Pty Ltd. If I don't have this report in my inbox by midnight GMT on 23 December 2010, YOU ARE FIRED! After that, please remove !nnovabiz Pty Ltd from your employment history on your LinkedIn Profile. Thank you.
Oh, and LinkedIn --- if you happen to read this and indeed, give a *&!@, perhaps you might address this situation to achieve a satisfactory outcome.